Terokkar Forrest was beautiful this time of year. Before the corruption of the Orcs. Before everything went to shit.
Up ahead Shadoren saw a Naaru, but why would one be in the middle of Terokkar?
"Hello?" his voice echoed as the world around him shifted and he was in what he knew to be Karabor now, the Black Temple.
Welcome Shadoren. the Naaru's voice echoed in his head.
"Where am I?"
The being merely floated there as though expecting Shad to figure it out.
"I mean, besides Black Temple...why am I here?"
To understand.
"Understand what?"
To understand that what has happened to you is not the end. The Light has not abandoned you.
"But I'm krokul...the Light was forced away by fel energies..."
To those you call krokul, yes. But you were not corrupted by fel energies. The energy that courses through you is corrupted elemental energy, shaped into a curse that would harm you most.
"Corrupted...elemental energy?"
The naaru simply floats there.
Look within yourself Farseer Shadoren Wavetender of Argus. Even in your darkest hour, the Light shines within.
"Wait, who are you?"
As the naaru faded into nothing, he whispered, S'ren, and the rest of the world faded with him.
Waking up in Auchindoun still made him jump, as though the spirits of his people were going to come to embrace him.
"Well, well, well. Phasha said you'd be here big brother."